The concrete look

Color shade "Concrete Bright"

Living like in a loft - this current living trend can be created in every appartment: by means of the fancy concrete look! Using AURO Decorative clay plaster, Wall paint, Wallpaper paste and Full-shade tinting colour, you can create the concrete look on your walls by yourself.

Also needed:
  • Spatula or trowel, sanding paper (150 grit)
  • Drilling machine with stirring fixture, empty bucket, water
Mixing proportions for the color shade "Concrete Bright"

1st application: Mixture of

  • 10 l Decorative clay plaster No. 311
  • 10 l tinted wall paint, color shade No. 99.7 (mixing proportions: 10 l wall paint No. 321 and 5 l Full shade tinting color black No. 330-99)

2nd application: Mixture of

  • 1 l tinted wall paint, color shade No. 99.4 (mixing proportions: 1 l Wall paint No. 321 and 100 ml Full-shade tinting base black No. 330-99)
  • 0,5 l Wallpaper paste No. 389, mixed with water (1:40)

3rd application: Mixture of

  • 1 l tinted wall paint, color shade No. 99.3 (mixing ratio 1 l Wall paint No. 321 and 50 ml Full-shade tinting base No. 330-99)
  • 0,5 l Wallpaper paste No. 389, mixed with water (1:40)

1st application

Apply the mixture of the Decorative clay plaster and the Full-shade tinting color very profoundly, using a roll or a smoothing trowel. First, apply approx. 1-2 m² (consumption approx. 750 - 1000 ml per m²).

Afterwards "smooth" the surface by use of a spatula or a plastic trowel. Make sure you do not only move the trowel in one direction, but apply criss-crossing movements instead. Make sure you leave the tracks created by the trowel's edges and possible bulges visible.

The edges and bulges, clearly visible while wet, will get smaller and more subtle after drying (approx. 24-48 hrs.)

Slightly polish too high edges with sanding paper (grid 150), but do not even them out completely.

2nd application 

Prepare a mixture of Full-shade tinting base and the Wallpaper paste and roll it on thinly or apply with a spatula (consumption approx. 100ml per m²). At first do not apply more than 1 m².

Afterwards use a spatula or a plastic trowel to swiftly take off the applied paint; make sure to do it in criss-crossing movements. The background layer must show through again.

The elevated spots (edges, bulges etc.) appear darker now.  

The deeper areas have the lighter color of the 2nd application. A typical concrete texture is achieved in this way.

3rd application

Repeat the 2nd application.