Be creative with AURO

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

A perfect project for a rainy Sunday afternoon: Use old wallpaper leftovers to change a standard folder into a unique piece of art! An easy cake for our AURO Wallpaper paste...


Adjust the design to the content of the folder. In this way you will immediately see, what magazines are hidden inside.
For example, use a kids room wallpaper for the cartoons of your children or a wallpaper with a flower pattern for your gardening magazines...

Also needed:
  • Magazine folder
  • Wallpaper
  • Stirring bar, brush, cutter knife
Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

You will only need a few items. Besides the wallpaper, also other  kinds of firm paper can be used, e.g. gift wrapping paper.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

One by one, place all sides of the folder on the rear side of the wallpaper and cut out the contours with a sharp cutter knife. 

Make sure you use a cut-resistant underlay!

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Prepare the wallpaper paste mixing the powder with cold water according to the instructions on the package.

Leave for swelling for 1 hour and stir well once again.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Spread the lime on the rear side of the wallpaper with a brush and leave for a few minutes for softening.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Apply the lime on the wooden folder.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Carefully stick the wallpaper on the folder.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Proceed accordingly to attach the wallpaper on the both sides of the folder.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Gently press the wallpaper and smooth it carefully to remove all air bubbles.

Paste wallpaper on a magazine folder

Done! A completely new look for a magazine folder!